

了解详情 >


hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. 基于 vim 的超扩展的文本编辑器. 搭配各种扩展的话, 甚至可以做个IDE. 最后附一份SpaceVIM的配置(尝试了下, 个人用得不舒服).




# Arch
pacman -S neovim
# windows
scoop install neovim
# Linux Config Path:  ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
# Windows Config Path: ~/AppData/Local/nvim/init.vim

安装 vim-plug

# Unix
curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
# Windows powershell
iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim |`
    ni "$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim/autoload/plug.vim" -Force


# 安装插件环境支持
# python
pip install neovim
# node.js
npm install -g neovim
# ruby
gem install neovim

配置 init.vim

" rtp is vim's runtime path
" set rtp+=~/AppData/Local/nvim/plug-config/coc.vim

" Automatic installation
let data_dir = has('nvim') ? stdpath('data') . '/site' : '~/.vim'
if empty(glob(data_dir . '/autoload/plug.vim'))
  silent execute '!curl -fLo '.data_dir.'/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim'
  autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC

call plug#begin('~/AppData/Local/nvim/plugins')

    " Treesitter 语法树更新插件, 要求 neovim > 0.5 版本
    Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter'

    " Stable version of coc https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim/wiki/Using-coc-extensions 补全插件
    Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'}

    " Rainbow https://github.com/luochen1990/rainbow 括号高亮
    Plug 'luochen1990/rainbow'

    " Schemes 主题
    Plug 'christianchiarulli/nvcode-color-schemes.vim'

    " Markdiwn Preview md文件预览(通过浏览器
    Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': 'cd app & yarn install'  }

    " Provides a start screen for Vim and Neovim 启动界面
    Plug 'mhinz/vim-startify'

call plug#end()

" configure nvcode-color-schemes
let g:nvcode_termcolors=256

let g:rainbow_active = 1 " set to 0 if you want to enable it later via :RainbowToggle

colorscheme nvcode " Or whatever colorscheme you make

" checks if your terminal has 24-bit color support
if (has("termguicolors"))
    set termguicolors
    hi LineNr ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE

source ~/AppData/Local/nvim/plug-config/coc.vim

luafile ~/AppData/Local/nvim/lua/treesitter.lua

" Custom header and footer
let g:startify_custom_header = [
            \ '+------------------------------+',
            \ '|                              |',
            \ '|        Hello DevLGQ~         |',
            \ '|                              |',
            \ '+--------------+---------------+',
let g:startify_custom_footer = [
            \ '+--------------------------------------------------+',
            \ '|       All problems in computer science           |',
            \ '|  can be solved by another level of indirection.  |',
            \ '+--------------------------------------------------+',


" Set internal encoding of vim, not needed on neovim, since coc.nvim using some
" unicode characters in the file autoload/float.vim
set encoding=utf-8

" TextEdit might fail if hidden is not set.
set hidden

" Some servers have issues with backup files, see #649.
set nobackup
set nowritebackup

" Give more space for displaying messages.
set cmdheight=2

" Having longer updatetime (default is 4000 ms = 4 s) leads to noticeable
" delays and poor user experience.
set updatetime=300

" Don't pass messages to |ins-completion-menu|.
set shortmess+=c

set number

syntax on


require 'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
  ensure_installed = "maintained", -- one of "all", "maintained" (parsers with maintainers), or a list of languages
  highlight = {
    enable = true,              -- false will disable the whole extension

配置完成之后, 进入nvim, 运行:PlugInstall进行插件的安装.


  • Check plugins :PlugStatus
  • Remove undeclared plugins :PlugClean
  • Update plugins :PlugUpdate
  • Check coc :checkhealth


Conquer of Completion. 一款补全插件.


# list all of the extension commands
:CocList commands
# uninstall an extension
:CocUninstall coc-html
# manage your extension
:CocList extensions
# install extension 
:CocInstall coc-json coc-python coc-sh coc-vimlsp coc-java coc-markdownlint coc-snippets coc-spell-checker
# Get useful info 

Coc 配置

# windows ~/AppData/Local/nvim/coc-settings.json

coc-java extensions. 基于vscode-javacoc插件, 要求至少要 JDK11.


    "java.configuration.runtimes": [
            "name": "OpenJDK-11",
            "path": "D:/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.10+9"
            "name": "OpenJDK-16",
            "path": "D:/Program Files/Java/jdk-16",
            "default": true
    // codelens
    "codeLens.enable": true,
    "java.referencesCodeLens.enabled": true,
    "java.implementationsCodeLens.enabled": true,
    "coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": ["css", "markdown", "javascript", 
        "graphql", "html", "yaml",  "json", "python", "java"]




# All SpaceVim option below [option] section
    # 自动更新
    automatic_update = false
    # set spacevim theme. by default colorscheme layer is not loaded,
    # if you want to use more colorscheme, please load the colorscheme layer
    colorscheme = "gruvbox"
    colorscheme_bg = "dark"
    # Disable guicolors in basic mode, many terminal do not support 24bit
    # true colors 禁用终端真彩
    enable_guicolors = true
    # Disable statusline separator, if you want to use other value, please
    # install nerd fonts
    statusline_separator = "nil"
    statusline_iseparator = "bar"
    # 顶部标签类型
    # 0: 1 ➛ ➊
    # 1: 1 ➛ ➀
    # 2: 1 ➛ ⓵
    # 3: 1 ➛ ¹
    # 4: 1 ➛ 1
    buffer_index_type = 1
    windows_index_type = 3
    # 显示/隐藏顶部标签栏上的文件类型图标
    enable_tabline_filetype_icon = true
    # 是否在状态栏上显示当前模式
    enable_statusline_mode = true
    statusline_unicode_symbols = false
    # 分隔符 arrow curve nil fire
    statusline_separator = 'curve'
    # Enable vim compatible mode, avoid changing origin vim key bindings
    vimcompatible = true
    # 文件树位置
    filetree_direction = "left"
    # 缩进
    default_indent = 4

# Enable autocomplete layer 模块设置 https://spacevim.org/cn/layers/
    name = 'autocomplete'
    auto_completion_return_key_behavior = "complete"
    auto_completion_tab_key_behavior = "cycle"

    name = 'shell'
    default_position = 'top'
    default_height = 30

    name = 'lang#java'

    name = 'lang#markdown'

# 添加自定义插件
# [[custom_plugins]]
